*** For more encouragement and daily empowerment, follow us on Instagram at @ideclarefaith ***



The Essence of Faith

Remain hopeful, believe, take corresponding action, and obey God    Faith is between promise and assurance    Hebrews 11:1    Ask in faith with confidence    Hebrews 11:6    Your faith moves the heart of God    One step at a time    Take the first step by faith    Your purpose requires faith    Without faith you cannot do God's plans    Faith in God is paramount over faith in man or woman    Without faith it is impossible to please God    




Change Your Thinking

God qualifies the called - you are qualified    Fear and worrying about peoples' perceptions can paralyze you    Ask God to help you see yourself the way He sees you    Stop putting God in a box    Be not faithless but believing    God please open my eyes of understanding    God loves you more than you could ever imagine    Declare this - Lord I believe, please help my unbelief    Don't allow fear to cause mistrust in God    God please help my lack of faith    I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength    An unopened door may not be shut forever    Be more concerned about the praise of God than people    Don't go by what you see - God's working it out in the unseen realm    




Hearing the Voice of God

Speak to the Lord and He will speak to you    God is not a man that He should lie    What God has said He will do    God keeps His promises    Receiving what God's promised requires obedience    




The Power of Words

Life and death are in the tongue    Words can bring life or death    Speak things that be not as though they were    




The Power of Vision

God wants us to dream bigger    Hope again. Believe again. Dream again.    Write the vision and make it plain    Nothing is too hard for God    




Understanding Your Assignment

People may not understand your vision but that's okay    God created you an original not a copycat    No more excuses - commit to getting your Kingdom assignment done    Discomfort and pain are necessary    Trust that God will give you instructions for your assignment    God wouldn't have given you the assignment if you couldn't handle it    Pray for your business or ministry    




Cleanse Your Heart

Our heart's condition determines when we possess God's promises    A person speaks what's in their heart    Clear out the bad habits and unhealthy relationships    You cannot take the spirit of offense to where God is taking you    We must drive out the old to possess the new    My faith rises above my flesh and my feelings    Beware of dissatisfaction - it leads to separation from God    Your treasure is where your heart is    Love God completely because of who He is    With a heart for God we obey Him out of love    Be most concerned about a sincere heart    When your heart is right your relationships will improve    Jesus said to love God with our heart, soul, and mind    




Opposition in the Wilderness

Do not negate your wilderness experience    Be encouraged in your process of preparation    Allow trials and troubles to stretch you    God will never give you more than you can handle    Following God regardless of the difficulties demonstrates courageous faith    Don't miss what God is doing in your life    Stop worrying - God will provide for you in the wilderness    God's promises by patience and faith   God ALWAYS answers us when we pray    There's a sweet blessing in the waiting period - don't miss it    Move forward by faith to claim God's promises to us    Unbelief can deny access to God's promises    God is saying TRUST ME.    Rely wholeheartedly on God's wisdom and instruction    Continue to trust God even when you can't trace Him    Wholly follow the Lord your God    Declare this - God I trust You    The greater the elevation the greater the opposition    Fear not for God is with you    Take up your shield of faith and extinguish flaming darts of the evil one    




Obey God

God I will follow You - please show me the way    We can accomplish more if we just obey God    Have hope and follow God    Stay in step with God    Slow down - don't move ahead of God    Obey God    Manifestation of God's glory is tied to our obedience    Because of what God expects we should listen and obey    I will do all God has said and I will be obedient    Disobedience and lack of faith can delay our destiny    God's provision is as large as your faith and willingness to obey    Work your faith in the season of time    A promise from God is a sure thing - work your faith    Stay faithful to your assignment